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Creating and Integrating Holistic Rituals for Resilience

Holistic nurses have experienced the impact regular centering practices have on their ability to stay grounded and find a well of calm from which to draw on their ‘normal’ days. During these turbulent times, nothing is that same kind of normal. We are being called to step up and adjust to a ‘new’ normal. Are you struggling with the ‘how’ of making that step-up? We’d love to hear what’s working for you. What helps keep you going from one day to the next? What creates resilience for you? How do you cope? We’d love to hear what your team(s) is doing to keep your workplace as grounded and calm as possible amid the chaos that has erupted all around us.

One of our members shared a poem she authored that describes the way her workplace team integrates a powerful practice into the work setting. There is no question this daily ritual creates a space for grace and healing with effects that ripple out beyond what the imagination can even begin to envision. We thank you and your team for modeling how to be the change we want to see!

New Morning Rituals at a Level I Trauma Center

Submitted by Pamela Brucks, MN, RN

The MASH tent has been erected outside our front door.

Our daily Discharge Team prayer circle

Where, for the last year, and

Up until the last month-

We held hands and gave gratitude for our lives, asked for guidance in our actions, prayed for kindness despite our weariness, and the wisdom to remove barriers to discharge,

This prayer circle has mutated along with the virus.

 “Essential Staff” cannot hug,

Or hold hands

During prayer

But we can still gather.